A site of one's own

And a blog under my own roof.

“Tim,” I said to myself, gently yet firmly, “It’s high time you took control of the way you present yourself online! Your creative output is scattered to the four winds across different sites, and your so-called blog… lives on Tumblr.”

So here we are! A real website of my own, the likes of which I haven’t had since the 90s.

Teenaged Tim tried to add every 1998 technology in sight to his homepage! In the intervening years I’ve learned a lot about controlling scope, so I’ve kept things simple around these parts for now.

I’ve decided not to post across the posts from my old Tumblr blog. For the most part, I’ve just incorporated the content inline here, e.g. in the information about the games and music, which I think works well!

More to come soon!

If you’re tech-curious: the site is made with the rather wonderful Eleventy with Bulma CSS. Nice.